Mrs. Heying's 4th grade class and the Lent committee wanted to raise money for the new Inclusive playground that will be at Runion Park. They decided to host a movie after school. From this fundraiser along with some money from the parish, we were able to present a check to Maggie and Jenny who are Inclusive Park committee members for $674.72.
In Computer Science today the 3rd graders learned about conditionals through a card game and ended up creating their own. The 7th and 8th grade students continued working on creating HTML code for a website centered on something that is important to them or they personally enjoy.
"Instruct them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share." 1 Timothy 6:18
Come out and celebrate our school at this year's St. Joseph Community School's 31st Celebration of Faith! Come into the school office to get your tickets or table in advance!
What table? Buy a table for $200 and invite 5 other guests to sit with you! Individual tickets are available in advance for $40/each and $45 at the door.
Valentine Stand orders DUE Friday January 21, 2022.
Kindergarten has a Valentine's Stand going this month. Please have your orders into Mrs. Flugum so that you can pick up your orders in time for Valentine's Day. Most items are $1.25/each. All proceeds will benefit S.N.A.P. of Chickasaw County.
Preschool enjoyed a beautiful day!
Mary, Mary quite contrary, what will our garden grow?
Welcome to our School. Faithful to the mission entrusted to us in the service of God, St. Joseph Community School, in cooperation with the family, church, and community, commits to promote the enrichment of every child: mind, body and soul.