First graders rocked it this week with the dress up days!
Good luck to the football team tonight! And to the queen candidates!! GO CHICKASAWS!

Our first graders are crushing color wars for homecoming⚫️🔴 GO CHICKASAWS!!

The Mobile Food Bank comes to the Chickasaw Event Center on every 3rd Thursday of the month. Food pick up is from 4-5:30 pm. Signing up is easy! If you are interested in signing up, please contact the school office. If you have any questions, please reach out!

✨Featured Friday✨
Matthew 25:40
Our school looks for ways to give back to our community. Yesterday we had students help out at our mobile food bank that takes place at the Chickasaw Event Center. It takes place every third Thursday of the month.

Started our Friday with a prayer service🙏

✨Featured Friday✨
Mrs. Abbott's preschoolers are learning how to be leaders. One of the jobs in preschool is friend greeter. The greeter calls the other preschoolers up, sees what greeting the preschoolers would like, and gives them that greeting.

Happy Friday!! Starting our morning off right with Mass🤩🙏

The preschoolers have been working on their counting🤓📝
They are doing a partner counting activity. One preschooler counts as they move the object to the other tray, then the partner counts to see if they both count the same number of items!

Last night we had our first family night! We had a blast playing bingo and having a quick meal together! Thank you to all the families that were able to show up!
Can't wait to see you at our next family event on October 21st!


St. Joesph Community School wishes all grandparents to our students a Happy Grandparents Day! 🥳
We are excited to celebrate Grandparents Day with you during Catholic Schools Week!
More details to follow!

This afternoon first grade got to have a guest talk about AG in the classroom!

✨Featured Friday✨
Look at how awesome one of our Kindergarten student's, Bryor B., is doing in the first two weeks of school. Big things happening here at St.Joe's!!

Celebrating the birthday of Blessed Virgin Mary 🥳🎂
Father shared today in his homily that we only celebrate three birthdays in the liturgical year. Those birthdays are John the Baptist, Blessed Virgin Mary, and Jesus!

With school starting so are our monthly family nights! 🤩
Our first family night is September 13th at 5:30pm and we are playing bingo! It will be in Hynes Hall at the school! Can't wait to see everyone there!!

We are hiring! 🤓📝 To get a description and apply here is the link: https://www.stjosephcommunityschool.com/page/career-opportunities

This week Heying Hillside had donations delivered to her classroom. An anonymous donor and Mrs. Freidhof donated supplies, games, and classroom items. Thank you for your donations! These will be put to good use.

The middle schoolers took some time to work on team building by tackling the hula hoop challenge. Students successfully passed the hoop around the circle while cheering each other on. Students showed the impact kind words and actions have. Many did not think they could be successful, however, with the backing of their peers everyone was successful! God has given us the ability to lift each other up and our middle school students accomplished that today!

Back praying together 🙏✝️

On Tuesday we got to pick, clean, and eat the corn from our school garden! 🌽🙌
A special thank you to Samantha Schulz for all your help!