St. Joseph Community School will be holding Spring Conferences March 14th & 16th
almost 2 years ago, Michele Nehls
almost 2 years ago, Michele Nehls
There will be no school today, Thursday, February 23rd, for St. Joseph Community School.
almost 2 years ago, Jill Flugum
St. Joseph Community School will have a two hour late start tomorrow, Thursday, February 23rd.
almost 2 years ago, Jill Flugum
Donuts with Dads is right around the corner... Mark your calendars, March 7th is Donuts with Dads!
almost 2 years ago, Michele Nehls
There will be no school today, Wednesday, February 22nd, for St. Joseph Community School.
almost 2 years ago, Jill Flugum
Today, St. Joseph Community School kicked off the Kid's Heart Challenge! Get a jump start now by visiting: There’s lifesaving activities you can do together such as learning hands-only CPR and the warning signs of a stroke.
almost 2 years ago, Michele Nehls
Are you or someone you know considering the benefits to going to St. Joseph Community School? Check out our Mission and Admission process at this link:
almost 2 years ago, Michele Nehls
There will be no school, Monday February 20th. Teachers will be attending Professional Development all day. Students and families, enjoy an extra day together! Kidzone is open if you need daycare.
almost 2 years ago, Michele Nehls
We have a lot to offer in OUR Middle School! You are all wrong if you think between 4th & 5th Grade is a "natural transition time". Check out how our students achieve.
almost 2 years ago, Michele Nehls
We MIGHT be the best fit!
almost 2 years ago, Michele Nehls
Week 2 Standings... Reach out to one of our students to purchase your raffle tickets or stop into the office! This competition will go until March 6th.
almost 2 years ago, Michele Nehls
Week 2 Standings... Reach out to one of our students to purchase your raffle tickets or stop into the office! This competition will go until March 6th.
almost 2 years ago, Michele Nehls
week 2
Here are the Big 5 Raffle items. If you would like to purchase raffle tickets, we have them for sale in the office, or reach out to one of our students! Raffle winners will be picked at our Celebration of Faith on 3.18.23, you do not need to be present to win!
almost 2 years ago, Michele Nehls
Big 5
Learning Connections will be having Spring Classes at the Public School. Please check it out!
almost 2 years ago, Michele Nehls
Mark your calendars! St. Joseph Community School will be having our All School Spring Program in March! We will be having two performances, just like we did for our Christmas Program.
almost 2 years ago, Michele Nehls
Our kindergarten cupids have been busy this month creating flower bouquets, inflating balloons, and packaging orders for their Valentine stand, Xs and Os. They enjoyed delivering those orders to all of the classrooms today. Happy Valentine's Day!
almost 2 years ago, Jill Flugum
making flowers
inflating balloons
special delivery!
If you did not receive our quarterly newsletter in the Spirit, here it is! Check out all of the AMAZING experiences our students are having!
almost 2 years ago, Michele Nehls
Thank you so much to all of our St. Joseph Community School Supporters! We successfully completed our first Annual Fund Drive. Thank you!!!!
almost 2 years ago, Michele Nehls
If you happen to see any of these amazing young people this weekend, congratulate them on a FANTASTIC SEMESTER! --This is one SUPER PROUD Principal, right here!
almost 2 years ago, Michele Nehls